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Melhoria do Processo de Software - MPS.FUNCATE

The project “Geotechnologies for Efficient Energy Crop Management” is a collaborative effort between Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (INPE, in the Portuguese acronym – Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais) and Boeing Research and Technology – Brazil (BR&TB), as part of The Boeing Company (Boeing).

This project aims at using and developing state of art geotechnologies for efficient energy crop management in Brazil. The two main goals are:

  1. To identify energy crop plantations and potential areas for their sustainable expansion in Brazil based on remote sensing and ancillary data;
  2. To develop a broad computing platform to support required data storage, manipulation, integration, fusion, and processing for the benefit of the efficient energy crop management.

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About this wiki

This wiki is about the project “Energy Crop Management Platform based on Remote Sensing Technologies”, proposed to be developed within a partnership between INPE and Boeing. The aim is to develop methods to map energy crops and to identify potential areas for their sustainable expansion in Brazil, based on remote sensing as well as ancillary data; and to build a computational framework that will integrate existing GIS tools, access multiple data sources and provide novel algorithms and functions to process spatial information.
