Download TerraAmazon

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Revisão de 08h51min de 8 de novembro de 2017 por Andre.oliveira (discussão | contribs)

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TerraAmazon Nightly Build

Platform File Disclaimer
Windows - 64 bits TerraAmazon Nightly These versions are in-development builds with the latest features, but with a high probability of undiscovered bugs.

TerraAmazon 6.0

Date Platform File
08/03/2017 Windows - 64 bits TerraAmazon-6.0.exe
08/03/2017 Linux - Ubuntu 14.04 - 64 bits TerraAmazon-6.0.tar.gz
08/03/2017 Linux - Ubuntu 16.04 - 64 bits TerraAmazon-6.0.tar.gz
08/03/2017 Mac OS Sierra - 64 bits TerraAmazon-6.0.dmg

TerraAmazon 6.0_Beta

Date Platform File
13/01/2017 Windows - 64 bits TerraAmazon-6.0.0-beta.exe

TerraAmazon 5.2

Date Platform File
18/11/2016 Windows - 64 bits TerraAmazon-5.2.exe
18/11/2016 Linux - 64 bits TerraAmazon-5.2.tar.gz
18/11/2016 Mac OS X - 64 bits TerraAmazon-5.2.0-macosx.dmg

TerraAmazon 5.1

Date Platform File
09/2016 Windows - 64 bits TerraAmazon-5.1.exe
09/2016 Linux - 64 bits TerraAmazon-5.1.0.tar.gz
09/2016 Mac OS X - 64 bits TerraAmazon-5.1.0-macosx.dmg

TerraAmazon 5.0

Date Platform File
07/04/2016 Windows - 64 bits TerraAmazon-5.0.exe
07/04/2016 Linux - 64 bits TerraAmazon-5.0.tar.gz
07/04/2016 Mac OS X - 64 bits TerraAmazon-5.0.dmg


Licença LGPL 3.0